

2023 Induction Ceremony

officers2023  officers_speaker2023  inductees2023

Click to view all photos from induction ceremony

2022 Induction Ceremony


Click to view all photos from induction ceremony

2021 Induction Ceremony

Click to view all photos from induction ceremony

2020 Induction Ceremony

Due to COVID-19, the 2020 induction ceremony was held via Zoom. As a result, no photos are available of this year's ceremony.


 2019 Induction Ceremony


Click to view all photos from induction ceremony

2018 Induction Ceremony


Click to view all photos from induction ceremony


2017 Induction Ceremony


Click to view all photos from induction ceremony


2016 Induction Ceremony

inductees2016     officers2016     officers_guest2016

2015 Induction Ceremony

inductees2015     officers2015     

2014 Induction Ceremony

Inductees_2014     2014_Officers_GuestSpeaker_Dr.JosephineDunn     

2013 Induction Ceremony

 2013inductees     2013officers


2012 Induction Ceremony

2012Inductees   Officers2012   speaker2012

2011 Induction Ceremony

Inductees     officers     guest


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