
Information Literacy Assessment 2015-2016

During the 2015-2016 academic year, the Weinberg Memorial Library made minor revisions to the five student learning outcomes we first developed in 2013 and continued to assess in 2014. These revisions strengthened the connections between our learning outcomes and the . See the Information Literacy Curriculum and Assessment home page for this map between our outcomes and the ACRL Framework frames.

In 2015-2016: 5 Research & Instruction Librarians in the Research & Scholarly Services department generated 2 Program-wide and 11 Individual Classroom Activity Reports in support of assessment of student learning in the Information Literacy Program.

2015-16 Program-wide Classroom Activity Reports
Fall 2015: INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP)
2 Faculty Librarians
2 Course Sections
Spring 2016: INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP)
3 Faculty Librarians
3 Course Sections
Fall 2015 Individual Classroom Activity Reports
BUS 184: ST: Oral and Information Proficiency (EP)
Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio
4 Course Sections
ENLT 142X: Latest and Greatest (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris
Course Instructor: Dr. Rebecca Beal
EXSC 435: Exercise, Nutrition, and Women's Health
Librarian: Prof. Bonnie Oldham
Course Instructor: Dr. Jessica Bachman
WRTG 107: Composition (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek
Course Instructor: Prof. Emily Denison
Spring 2016 Individual Classroom Activity Reports
EXSC 435: Exercise, Nutrition, and Women's Health
Librarian: Prof. Bonnie Oldham
Course Instructor: Dr. Jessica Bachman
EXSC 448: Research Methods
Librarian: Prof. Bonnie Oldham
Course Instructor: Dr. Scott Breloff
OT 393: Research Methods in OT
Librarian: Prof. Bonnie Oldham
3 Course Sections
PSYC 330L: Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences Lab
Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris
Course Instructor: Dr. Jill Warker
WRTG 107: Composition (EP)
Librarian: Prof. Betsey Moylan
Course Instructor: Prof. Charles Kratz
WRTG 224: Rhetoric and Social Media (1 of 2)
Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek
Course Instructors: Dr. Teresa Grettano & Prof. Donna Witek
WRTG 224: Rhetoric and Social Media (2 of 2)
Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek
Course Instructors: Dr. Teresa Grettano & Prof. Donna Witek
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