
Weinberg Memorial Library 2014 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize Winners

The Weinberg Memorial Library is pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 Bonnie W. Oldham Library Research Prize.

Graduate Prize

Caroline Swift, an MBA student with a concentration in Operations Management, was selected as the winner of the 2014 Library Research Prize for Graduate students. Caroline submitted a research paper that she completed for OM 579: Research Methods titled, “.”  Her states, “Interlibrary loan has been a lifesaver, providing me with everything from obscure articles to textbooks from faraway institutions. I am genuinely grateful for the skills I have acquired using the Weinberg Memorial Library.”

The judges selected several students to receive Honorable Mention awards in the Graduate Category—Taryn Anthony, a Chemistry major; Patricia Gelling, an Occupational Therapy major; and a group of Physical Therapy majors consisting of Kyle Corrado, Christine Fischer, Michael McGraw and Kristin Ryffel.

Undergraduate Prize

The winner chosen for the 2014 Library Research Prize for Undergraduate students was Christine Panzitta, a junior Secondary Education/History major. She submitted a paper titled “” for her Honors Tutorial, HIST 386H: Civil War and Reconstruction. In her , Christine wrote that “With the help of the library I was able to expand the different types of sources I used for my research.”

Honorable Mentions were also awarded to two undergraduate students—Natalie Della Posta, a Neuroscience major and Stephen Gadomski, an Exercise Science and Sport major.

Prize winners were honored at a on Thursday, May 8, 2014 in the Heritage Room of the Weinberg Memorial Library.

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